Sharneyford Primary School

Student Login

Class 3 2023 - 2024

Mr Greenwood

Welcome to Class 3's page.  Here you will find all our current 'goings on'- including examples of our children’s' work, our long term plan, any competitions we have attended and more.

I am Mr Greenwood and I am delighted to still be teaching Class 3 and our wonderful cohort of year 5 and 6 children.  Alongside me, there will be Mrs Tighe working in our class who is our excellent Teaching Assistant and a staff member that always ensures that our children strive to achieve their best both adademically and socially.  We are, once again, continuing to work closely with the Rossendale Leisure Trust who provide highly qualified coaches to teach six hours of PE per half term.  



We have PE every Monday morning and Wednesday afternoon (PE will be in the form of swimming in 4 week blocks per group); helping us to achieve 2 hours of taught PE each week.  Furthermore, our class is lucky to have trained Sports Ambassadors to help run active playtimes, organise level 1 school competitions and involve younger children in quality active sessions.  It is important for all of our children to have full PE kit ready and available and that, for these days, jewellery should be kept to a minimum so that it can be easily removed for sessions.

We understand that Physical activity can have a useful role to play in promoting personal mental health.  To assist this further we have a Wellness club, lead by our amazing, qualified, Mental Health Champions.  They run the Wellness club, planning various activities, each Friday lunch time.


Swimming takes place every Thursday (with the exception of Autumn 2 term) at Marl Pits and it is essential that full kit is brought to school with your child on this day.  For children who have hair that may fall into their eyes when wet; a swim cap must be worn for lessons.  Girls musn't wear bikini type outfits and boys should take care to make sure that their swimming attire isn't too loose.  If possible, a draw string bag should hold your child's swimming kit so that potential loss of kit is minimized.


Your child will experience a large amount of reading opportunities here in Class 3.  We are on hand to read 1:1 with our children and, as reading is a high focus and part of the school's vision of Literacy, reading is a crucial part of our English lessons.  We will read a large number of books this year, each being chosen to enrich and inspire our children's learning.  We have read two books as a class so far this year, these being: The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q.Rauf and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.  Currently we are reading Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve.

Your child has a reading record book in which questions are set by an adult with whom your child has read with.  Here your child can respond with their own thoughts about their book and also be challenged to think in different ways about what they have read.  Children are encouraged to show their reading records at anytime to our members of staff.  These books should be brought into school every day alongside their reading book.

Class 3 run an 'open door' policy and as it is of utmost importance that your child feel safe and secure in their learning; we encourage an open and honest dialogue with parents- so feel free to ask to pop in after school for a chat.

Thank you for taking the time to read our page.  Our long term plan for the year is located at the bottom of this page (scroll past the visitors list and you'll see it). 

Finally, please feel free to look at our long term plan that is attached to this page, this way you can see which topics your child is currently involved in.

Visitors to our class (and other extra curricular happenings)

February 2024


Steve from Life Education visited our class this afternoon to hold a session on Frienships.

December 2023


"Oh no we didn't!", "OH YES WE DID!" Today we travelled to the pantomine to watch Aladdin.  "Where?" "Over there".  

November 2023


Two of our super Year 6's travelled with Mrs Greenwood today to do their 'Mental Health Champions' training.  They learnt how to plan sessions and designed wellness activities to deliver to other children withing school.  Now they are qualified they will hold sessions every friday with different groups of children from all our classes focussing on the importance of mental wellbeing. 


Paul Jenkins has been in our class today performing poetry and working with the class to create a class poem. The poem's theme was about our locality and helped the children form their own ideas for the upcoming poetry competition.

October 2023


We have had Dawn from the Library Service delivering a super 35 minute session where our children played 'knockout' books.  We learnt about how a books cover may not always indicate how good the book is; taking 'never judge a book by its cover' for its literal meaning.

September 2023


Our wonderful Year 6s visitied Robinwood for their residential visit.  Each of them did the school proud as they flew down zipwires, squeezed through caves and dared to cross the Piranha pool.  Next year we will visit with both the Year 5 and 6 children together.


February 2023


West End in schools came in to do a Dance workshop based on the book Coraline.


An Anglo Saxon visitor came into class to talk about how villages were made, demonstrated spears training and shield walking.  The children looked at ancient tools and looked and horse tack.



We have had some wonderful bible students in from Capenwray College to talk to the children about Christianity and share their local knowledge of their hometowns in the USA.



The firefighters from Bacup have been to talk to the children about road safety, being safe when travelling in cars and wider general roles of a modern day firefighter.


Today we have had a Greek visitor in class 3 to talk to our children about all things Ancient Greek! The children enjoyed learning about history and culture and the way that the Greeks expanded their empire.

September 2021

We had a visit in school today from Liz and Gemma from Grow your mindset. Class 3 did a workshop with Liz and they learnt about Til the thinker and Widdle the worrier, and how they affect the way we think and deal with issues. Class 3 also did different tasks relating to building their resilience and the things in life they can and cannot control. Please look at the gallery for photos.

May 2021

Sport coaching

Steve from Crowther City Coaching came into school to work with Class 3. He delivered coaching sessions in football and hockey skills, the children had a great time improving and learning new skills.

Lego workshop

Class 3 had a visit from Creative Builders Workshops, the theme was circuits which tied in with their science work on electricity and circuits. Each table built a Lego village complete with buildings with working lights, roads, a working railway and train. 

April 2021

In Class 3 we have been working towards improving our wellbeing, we have enriched our classroom by adding a wellbeing area which has beanbags, a blanket and fairy lights. We also designed and made worry stones to keep in class and our book corner has been updated with a lovely rug and seating area. Also, there is a class feelings board where we can move our pegs to show how we are feeling that day. 











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Sharneyford Primary School

Todmorden Road, Bacup OL13 9UQ

Andrea Holt