Class 1 2024 - 2025
Ms Smettem
Welcome to Class 1
Reception, Year One and Year Two
Ms Smettem is the class 1 teacher. We have three excellent teaching assistants in school to support us.
PE is scheduled for Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has his/her PE kit in school at all times. These will be sent home for washing periodically.
Homework will be given to Y1 and Y2 children weekly. These will be handed out on a Friday and be based purely on learning different maths facts such as number bonds, times tables, double facts and spellings. Children are encouraged to read freuqently and access TTrockstars/Numbots to develop their recall of number facts.
Each child will be assigned a spelling group. All the spellings are to be handed out weekly on a Friday. These are spellings that the children have worked on during the week so are familiar with these. Once per day is adequate.
This will focus on learning the following number skills: skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s (forwards and backwards) leading on to 2, 5 and 10 times tables, recalling number bonds to 5, 10, 20, 100 and double and halving facts. Please say these regularly to secure these facts. Why not say these on your journey to and from school each day?
All children will have a TTrockstars account. Letters will go home at the beginning of term with a personal password on this. If your child is struggling, please go back to skip counting with them first to secure that skill. If you require the password again, please contact myself of the office and we can supply this for you.
Children take part in daily phonics sessions, and often parents naturally want to know more to help their children. Visit the Phonics page under Curriculum for more information.
Your child will read 1-1 twice a week. They will discuss different aspects of the book to ensure that they have complete understanding of the vocabulary and the story or information provided. Reading books are changed as necessary. We encourage children to reread their books to gain familiarity, develop understanding and fluency.
We recommmend that the children read for 5 minutes each night as part of their homework and their reading record should be signed so that their progress can be tracked.