Sharneyford Primary School

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Class 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Jarvis


 Welcome to Class 2 (Year 3 & 4)

Mrs Jarvis is the teacher based in class 2 with Mrs Bull as the class Teaching Assistant. On Mondays children are taught modern foreign languages and PE by other members of school staff. PE also takes place on other days during the week so it is important that children have their PE kit in school at all times. 

Times tables Rock Stars. 

Log in details have been given out for our new TTRockStars programme. Children are encouraged to play as much as possible to help them to improve their scores. Children will be carrying out written tests on times tables 3 times a week. Here is the link:- 

Homework will be given out on Fridays and should be returned by the following Friday. It is really important that it is handed in on time to encourage independence and responsibility.

Reading books: We encourage children to read as often as possible. Please can you sign your child's reading record when you have heard them read. If they finish their book and require a new one, please let the teacher know either in person or by writing in their record. Once records are handed in to the teacher, your child will receive a new reading book

Summer Term 2024

As the summer holidays draw near (and hopefully better weather!) We have been super busy with lots of extra-curricular and enrichment activities! We have been learning about the Ancient Egyptians and had lots of fun learning about the pyramids, mummification and the Egyptian belief in different Gods. We have had a visit from Professor Tuesday who carried out a learning workshop all about the Ancient Egyptians. See the file below for pictures and learning objectives covered. 

We have had some forest school sessions with Mrs Greenwood and on one of the sessions it stayed dry! We have also had the Lego man in to complete learning workshops and in the next few weeks we are doing footbal with coach Crowther. 

Parents came into school for a chat about the multiplication check in June and they had great fun being tested by their own children to see if they could pass the multiplication check too! Thank you to all those lovely parents who took the time to come into school. Information shared is in the file section at the bottom. 


Spring 2 2024 (February / March) 

Our theme for this half term is 'Passport to Europe' which is a Geography based theme. We will be learning specifically about the Mediterranean and how it compares to the UK. We will learn about the countries in the Mediterranean and how tourism supports the economy. In English linked to our theme we are looking at the poem 'From a Railway Carriage' by Robert Stevenson. You can watch this poem performed in the following advert:

Inspired by our focus poem (above) Martha has written an excellent poem about The Atlantic Ocean! Martha wrote this poem in her own time and independently from school. We think the poem is brilliant! Well done Martha! Please find the poem below. 

The children in Class 2 has written their own poems about travelling through Europe. Some have been performed and some have been written. Check out our poems below!


Science Experiment - Which toothpaste is the best at removing stains?

To finish the topic of teeth and digestion, the children carried out a science experiment to test which toothpaste was the best at removing stains from teeth. They took a white tile with 4 black crosses drawn on in permanent marker. The children used a pea sized amount of 4 different toothpastes and counted the amount of brush strokes needed to remove the stain. They also rated the smell of the toothpaste and the packaging. The overall winner was Oral - B!

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Sharneyford Primary School

Todmorden Road, Bacup OL13 9UQ

Andrea Holt